Free Tarot Reading

Rob SánchezThe Tarot reading, the Book of Thoth, the secret key to deciphering reality...

The psychic and the clairvoyant, the universal key to the magical arts...

This is the legacy of the Tarot.

With all due respect, I am going to do your online tarot card reading.

Choose 10 cards for your free Tarot reading:

Death Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Change, whether you
want it or not
The Fool Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Letting go
The Empress Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Willpower, protection
Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Changes on the horizon, precarious balance
Judgement Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Weighing things up, decisions
The Hanged Man Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Situation on standby, sacrifice
The Hermit Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Caution, search for the truth
The Moon Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Deceptive circumstances, temptations
The Devil Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Vices, excesses
The Emperor Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Strength, authority, inflexibility
The Tower Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Disappointments, pride
The World Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Goals achieved, success
The Popess Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Serenity, loyalty, wisdom
The Sun Tarot Card
Back of the Card
The way forward is clear,
good humor
The Magician Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Initiative, capability
The Lovers Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Love, desire for love,
Temperance Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Moderation, refocusing
The Chariot Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Excellent preconditions, happiness
Justice Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Confirmation, moment of truth
The Pope Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Good advice, trusted person
The Star Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Excellent circumstances,
benign influences
Strength Tarot Card
Back of the Card
Using intelligence, courage

About me

My name is Rob Sánchez. I am first of all a historian, who came across the Tarot when translating the original texts of the esotericists of the early nineteenth century.

My teachers were therefore Antoine Court de Gébelin, Eliphas Lévi and Paul Christian.

From there I started doing free tarot card readings to relatives and friends, until requests for trusted tarot readings began to arrive more and more from afar, and until I was contacted by several psychic studios, requesting that I become one of their psychic readers.

Soon it was therefore no longer just a passion for free online fortune telling: I was a real medium, a spiritual reader, that tries to predict the future, destiny, and fortune with a really accurate Tarot reading.

Today my profession is a profession to all intents and purposes, with my online oracle readings and my online free Tarot spreads.

I no longer carry out the cartomancy service over the phone, and I focus solely on offering an online interactive Tarot service that is as truthful, reliable and as close as possible to the original spirit.

I hope to succeed! :)

Rob Sánchez
Quotation marks
Reading your Tarot messages gives me a feeling of peace, thank you for these little moments.
Anna R. - Facebook
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This is the first time I’ve felt truly moved since I started surfing.
Rachel P. - Conference
Quotation marks
Thank you for the free psychic reading and the dedication. Thank you especially for the strength you give me...
Christine C. - Facebook
How to read the Tarot

I highly recommend choosing the right surroundings for your Tarot reading.

So seek out a quiet place, concentrate, and think carefully about what you want to ask the Tarot. This is because an empty question will only get empty answers.

When you are ready, start your free online tarot reading here.

The deck of cards that I use

The Tarot cards I use were created by a wonderful young woman, who I now consider a friend, and who has kindly given me permission to use them both on my website and in my live psychic readings.

These Tarot cards are most widely known as the “Tarot of the Decans”, and this is their website:

They are stunningly beautiful, to say the least. Thanks again for granting me the permission and the privilege to use them!

How to use Tarot properly

Do you want to cross the street blindfolded based on the Tarot? I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Always use the Tarot and fortune-telling with common sense, without ever forgetting your reason.

Used wisely, the Tarot can be an excellent tool for self-knowledge and knowledge of situations that concern you. Just as the great psychologist Carl Gustav Jung believed.

Privacy, legal information, copyright, social media and contacts

I do not save your personal information, and I do not use it in any way. You can find all the privacy information here.

All elements of this website are protected by copyright. If you want to know the type of copyright that applies to an individual element, please send me an email to this address. (Note: I do not provide paid Tarot readings).

Finally, this is my Facebook page.

Happy browsing! :)
