Will I get money?
Will my financial difficulties be resolved?
These are the questions this Tarot reading seeks to answer.
In fact, I will try to see if, according to the Tarot, there is an auspicious period ahead for you from an economic and financial point of view.
What I will ask you to do is to choose 10 Tarot cards from those shown above.
You will notice that each card is already associated with a specific meaning concerning financial and economic matters.
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Next, I will ask you to use the cards that came out to describe your situation.
I will ask you which cards best describe your financial past, or best describe the reasons for a possible financial crisis, depending on what you want to know.
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This type of Tarot reading is therefore suitable for anyone who wants to know if they are going to receive money, win money, or if they will solve their financial difficulties.
But there’s one thing I want to stress. The search for financial security can lead to mistakes, even very serious ones: it can cause us to put our trust in the wrong people or to take excessive risks.
Remember that this is just a Tarot reading: it can indicate auspicious moments, and give you useful food for thought about your financial situation and how to improve it.
But the most important resource for your financial future is and always will be you!