The querent, i.e. the person requesting the consultation, sits in front of the reader, so that he or she is completely at ease and relaxed.
It can happen, either because of the “ominous” aura of the Tarot, or because of the gravity of the subject for which the Tarot is being consulted, that the querent is agitated and not calm. This is where the ability of the Tarot reader to create a connection with that person comes into play, especially if the person is unknown to them.
The reader may begin with small talk, or tell a personal anecdote, perhaps linked to one of the objects on the table or in the room. They could perhaps choose a slightly embarrassing story, in order to reassure the querent, and to distract him or her from situations that cause tension.
It might seem trivial, but it is important for the querent to be at ease, relaxed, and not embarrassed in front of the reader. Otherwise, they may be ashamed to provide certain information that is important for the Tarot reading to be effective and to get down to the specifics of the reading.
My advice, especially in the case of paid readings, is to agree on a fee, for example for a half hour reading, but then lengthen it by 15 minutes, added at the beginning of the reading. This time can be used to have a chat, to get to know each other, so as to lower each other’s barriers and gradually become more connected.
The querent, sitting in front of the reader, must say out loud what they want to know from the Tarot.
It can also be a complex query, but it must be asked in the form of a question.
Typically, what happens is that when the reader asks what the querent wants to know, they will get quite general statements or questions in return. In fact, the real question may well be hidden behind another very generic question. The real question is something else, clearly formed in the querent’s head, but they are reluctant to ask it.
There could be many reasons for this, from reluctance to shyness, but it could also be due to other causes.
Often, even just saying something that could potentially make us feel bad can cause us to hold back. Not everyone is strong enough to say openly “I want to know from the Tarot if my husband has stopped cheating on me”, both because it exposes us to the judgment of others, and because it is something that has made us suffer, and could potentially do so again.
This is why I specified, in the previous point, that the first priority is to make the querent feel calm and at ease.
But why do I want the querent to state the question out loud and clearly?
Because the reader is undoubtedly also a bit of a “psychologist”. They are very aware that if a person cannot even describe a situation verbally, he/she will hardly be able firstly to acknowledge it, and secondly to pursue any corrective action or follow any suggestions provided by the Tarot.
Moreover, if the question is not precise, it is obvious that the answers cannot be precise either!
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