The Empress of the Tarot is strength, firmness, power, protection: all these attributes are evident even to a layperson in the field, by simply observing the image on the card.
What many people miss, however, is something I find truly incredible: the Tarot, which originated in the middle ages, was far more advanced than we are today in recognizing female strength, and in a total lack of any kind of sexual discrimination.
The women depicted in the Tarot are far from helpless, and have the same dignity as their male counterparts. It is truly gratifying to realize that in this case too, the Tarot was light years ahead of the society of the time, and still is today.
Strength, solidity and firmness are pervasive elements in this card. The Empress’s expression is firm, her posture even more so. She has crown and scepter, unambiguous symbols of power. She is also holding a shield, on which a majestic imperial eagle is depicted.
The Empress is also a symbol of an emancipated person, who can think for herself. We need only remember that during the Middle Ages, the Empress was rarely depicted alone, without the Emperor at her side. In this, the Tarot is once again a welcome exception, symbolizing that the Empress has all the resources she needs, and that she does not need any help to deal with even the most difficult situations.
Finally, the Empress represents an invitation to be ready to take action, or an indication that the querent has the power to resolve things as he or she sees fit. The Empress’s posture is decidedly upright, with one foot ready to descend from the throne, almost like the posture of a warrior ready to leap into battle.
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